

We work with some of the best science and culture writers to publish new and engaging articles on Our content covers a wide-range of topics from student life to news in the STEM and Trades industries.

We work with some of the best science and culture writers to publish new and engaging articles on Our content covers a wide-range of topics from student life to news in the STEM and Trades industries.

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Exploring Interests in High School:Why It Matters Before Committing to Post-Secondary Education

Exploring Interests in High School:Why It Matters Before Committing to Post-Secondary Education

High school is a critical time for students to explore a wide range of subjects and interests. It’s tempting to focus only on what feels easy or familiar, but taking a variety of courses, especially ones that intrigue you, can offer valuable insights into your potential career path. Why i […]

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What is a Space Architect?

As a space architect, you’ll create habitats and structures for people to live and work on the Moon, Mars, and beyond. You’ll blend creativity, engineering, and science to make living in space possible. Your designs could shape the next wave of space exploration, making this one of the m […]

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What is a Space Architect?

When You Just Can’t Get to Doing Your Schoolwork:

When You Just Can’t Get to Doing Your Schoolwork:

How to Overcome the Struggle to Focus and Retain InformationIt’s one of those days (or weeks) where no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to sit down and tackle your schoolwork. The more you push yourself, the more it feels like you’re hitting a wall. You can’t seem […]

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Mastering Email Etiquette:

How Your Mood Shapes Your Message and Your Company’s Reputation In today’s fast-paced, digital world, email has become vital communication. It's easy to fire off a quick response without a second thought. However, every email you send carries your mood, and a poorly crafted mess […]

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Mastering Email Etiquette:

The Trades are in Demand!

The Trades are in Demand!

As a high school student, you may be wondering about your future and what career path you should pursue. It's never too early to start thinking about your future, and taking a trade in high school can be an excellent option for many students. In this article, we'll explore some of the reason […]

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Careers in SPACE

Aerospace Engineer:Design and develop aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles.High school courses: Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer Science. Astrophysicist:Study the properties and behavior of celestial bodies and the universe.High school courses: Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy […]

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Careers in SPACE

Why High School Students Should Consider AI Programming

Why High School Students Should Consider AI Programming

Unlocking the Future: In today's digital age, the field of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly expanding, revolutionizing industries and shaping the world around us. As high school students, you stand at the threshold of an exciting future, and one area that holds immense promise is AI […]

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Career Paths in Geography

Exploring Career Paths in Geography: Mapping Your FutureGeography is more than just maps and mountains; it's a dynamic field that offers a wide range of career opportunities for those with a passion for understanding our world. From urban planning to environmental management, the skills and know […]

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Career Paths in Geography

Think about the TRADES  ... Pays good and NEEDED!!!

Think about the TRADES ... Pays good and NEEDED!!!

 Why take four years of post-secondary education if it's not your passion? That's the question many young individuals are asking themselves as they witness the unprecedented demand and financial rewards in the trades. The older generation, having lived through challenging times, often h […]

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Don't be sorry later!

Students, when Reflecting on Your Career: The Importance of Choosing Wisely In the journey of life, there often comes a time when we pause and look back, reflecting on the decisions we've made, especially those concerning our education and career. It's not uncommon to feel a pang o […]

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Don't be sorry later!

A reminder to be kind, it's easy to do!

A reminder to be kind, it's easy to do!

Enjoy the mixture :)Imagine if there was only one type of cookie, game, house, clothing....BORING!It's truly remarkable how the world is filled with diverse cultures, each offering its unique perspective and beauty. Embracing this diversity allows us to embark on a journey of understanding and a […]

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Being WOKE in the workplace

Your perspective may highlight a common debate around the concept of "wokeness" in the workplace. On one hand, individuals may feel a strong connection to their values and want to express them openly. On the other hand, employers may be concerned about potential disruptions or conflic […]

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Being WOKE in the workplace

It's not easy being a teen!

It's not easy being a teen!

 Life as a teenager can be both exhilarating and demanding. The transition from childhood to adulthood brings a myriad of issues and hurdles that may at times appear insurmountable. However, you are never alone in facing these challenges, and in this blog, we will delve into some of the most pr […]

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WANTED! Careers in the field of AI

There are numerous exciting career opportunities in the field of AI for students post-secondary. Here are some of the best careers you can consider:  Machine Learning Engineer: Machine learning engineers focus on developing algorithms and systems that enable machines to learn and make […]

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WANTED!  Careers in the field of AI

Forestry and Conservation as a Career?

Forestry and Conservation as a Career?

In the age of environmental challenges, the dedication of forest and conservation workers shines like a beacon. These individuals are the unsung heroes of our planet, toiling relentlessly to safeguard our forests, wildlife, and ecosystems. In this blog, we will explore the vital role of forest and c […]

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Vertical Farming: A Sustainable Solution for the Future

As the global population continues to grow, our planet faces increasing pressure to provide enough food for everyone. Traditional farming methods are struggling to keep up with the demand for fresh produce, leading to concerns about food security and environmental sustainability. In response to thes […]

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Vertical Farming: A Sustainable Solution for the Future

YOU really get on my nerves!

YOU really get on my nerves!

 Navigating School: Dealing with Conflict and Growing Through Challenges We've all been there – back at school, facing new challenges, and meeting new people. While it's normal for not everyone to get along, sometimes, encounters with people who get on your nerves can be part […]

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For every action there's a reaction!

Your Roadmap to a Bright Future Hey there, future trailblazers and game-changers! If you're a student with big dreams, you're in the right place. Today, we're going to explore the incredible power of taking action and how it shapes your journey toward a successful future. Remember, […]

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For every action there's a reaction!

The Sky's the Limit - Why a Career as a Pilot is Soaring

The Sky's the Limit - Why a Career as a Pilot is Soaring

Embarking on a career as a pilot can be one of the most exhilarating and rewarding choices you make in your life. Whether you dream of cruising through the clouds in a commercial airliner, navigating the skies as a private pilot, or even exploring the frontiers of space, a career in aviation offers […]

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Why study History?

Hey Students! I want to take a moment to remind you of the incredible importance of studying history and pursuing a degree in this fascinating field. History is not just a collection of stories from the past; it is a key to understanding the present and shaping the future. Here are some co […]

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Why study History?

Exploring Exciting Career Paths in Science

Exploring Exciting Career Paths in Science

  High school is an exciting time in your life, filled with new experiences and opportunities. As you start thinking about your future, it's important to consider a wide range of career options. If you have an interest in science, you're in luck! The world of science offers an arra […]

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It's OK to be selfish with your time!

The First Week of School: Setting Goals and Seizing Opportunities The first week of school marks the beginning of a new chapter in every student's life. It's a time of excitement, anticipation, and endless possibilities. It's a clean slate, a fresh start, and an opportunity to becom […]

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It's OK to be selfish with your time!

Navigating a New Academic Year: Leveraging PathwaysToJobs for Career Insights

Navigating a New Academic Year: Leveraging PathwaysToJobs for Career Insights

Academic Success!  As the summer sun begins to fade, the excitement of a new academic year dawns upon us. A fresh start, new challenges, and the promise of growth await as we step into another year of learning. But amidst all the academic fervor, have you considered the importance of align […]

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Embracing the Advantages of Online Courses

Online Learning  In recent years, the advent of technology has brought about a significant transformation in the way we learn. Online courses have emerged as a game-changer in education, offering numerous benefits that have made them increasingly popular among learners of all ages and back […]

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Embracing the Advantages of Online Courses

AI Con't - What does an AI Product Manager do?

AI Con't - What does an AI Product Manager do?

An Artificial Intelligence Product Manager is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of artificial intelligence products within a company. Their duties may include: Conducting market research to identify customer needs and preferences related to AI products Coll […]

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AI Con't - AI Ethicist

An AI Ethicist is a professional who specializes in examining and addressing ethical considerations related to artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Their role involves studying the potential societal impact of AI systems, identifying potential biases and discriminatory practices, ensuring priv […]

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AI Con't - AI Ethicist

AI Con't - AI Research Scientist

AI Con't - AI Research Scientist

An AI research scientist is a professional who specializes in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and conducts research to advance the understanding and development of AI technologies. Their primary responsibilities include:Research: AI research scientists investigate and explore new algorithm […]

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AI Con't - Data Scientist

A Data Scientist is a professional who uses their skills in mathematics, statistics, programming, and domain knowledge to extract insights and knowledge from large amounts of data. They are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting complex data sets to uncover patterns, trends, and cor […]

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AI Con't - Data Scientist

AI Con't - Machine Learning Engineer

AI Con't - Machine Learning Engineer

A Machine Learning Engineer is a professional who specializes in designing and implementing machine learning models and systems. They are responsible for developing algorithms that can learn and improve from data without explicit programming.  Primary tasks and responsibilities of a machin […]

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Summer school

Summer school provides a valuable opportunity for high school students who want to maximize their time and educational opportunities. There are several reasons why students might consider taking summer school courses, including catching up on credits, improving grades, gaining knowledge and ski […]

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Summer school

Agriculture as a career

Agriculture as a career

Reasons to consider Agriculture as a career.       1. Connecting with nature:One of the most significant benefits of working in agriculture is the opportunity to spend time outdoors and connect with nature. This can be beneficial for mental health and overall well-being, as well […]

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Bio Medical Engineer

As technology continues to advance, the field of biomedical engineering is becoming increasingly important. Biomedical engineering combines the principles of engineering with medical and biological sciences to design and create innovative solutions that improve healthcare outcomes. Here are some of […]

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Bio Medical Engineer

Becoming a Tradesperson

Becoming a Tradesperson

One of the main advantages of becoming a tradesperson is that it generally requires less time and money than pursuing a four-year university degree. Rather than spending several years in college, students can typically complete vocational training or an apprenticeship program in two years or less.&n […]

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Get a tutor!

High school can be a challenging and demanding time for many students. With a variety of subjects to master and important exams to prepare for, it's no wonder that some students find themselves struggling to keep up. However, there is a solution that can help students succeed: using a tutor.Tuto […]

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Get a tutor!

Student Finances

Student Finances

As a student, managing your finances can be challenging. Between paying for tuition, books, housing, and other expenses, it can be easy to overspend and find yourself in debt. However, with the right strategies and mindset, it is possible to stay on top of your finances and even save money. In this […]

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Companies want computer scientist!

Becoming a computer scientist is a great career option if you have an interest in technology and problem solving and want a job where you will be challenged and learn new skills. Let’s take a closer look at this profession. Most computer scientists hold bachelors or advanced degrees in co […]

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Companies want computer scientist!

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

Hey everyone! It has been a super long year dealing with this new pandemic. COVID has presented a full roster of new challenges for everybody, especially our students. With the isolation and unrelenting workload, it can seriously affect your mental health. I have compiled some handy tips to keep you […]

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Caution with Algorithms

As technology continues to evolve, algorithms have become an increasingly prominent aspect of modern life.  While algorithms have the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn, they also present a range of dangers that must be carefully considered. One of the most significant r […]

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Caution with Algorithms

Marketing is Like An Iceberg

Marketing is Like An Iceberg

Marketing is like an iceberg; officially defined as "the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising." But that is just the outer tip of the berg. When looking into the depths of marketing, and not just the definition, we […]

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Ladies in the World of STEM

It is proven that girls in elementary school tend to grade higher in math and science than boys. Interestingly enough, very few females choose to move on to post secondary to pursue a career in these fields. Many career paths require a solid understand of science, technology, engineering and ma […]

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Ladies in the World of STEM

A Career in Medical Science

A Career in Medical Science

The medical field is all the focus right now with everything COVID-related. From nurses and doctors, to medical equipment technicians and medical housekeeping. There is no doubt that every aspect of this field is now front-and-center, showcasing its amazing tenacity for caring for the people of the […]

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You Have to Pay Those Students Loans Back!

That summer before University or College you applied for assistance for the school year. Life is expensive, loans are a wonderful way to make sure you have all the necessities like food, clothing and supplies for the academic year. The most challenging aspect of your education commonly is paying for […]

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You Have to Pay Those Students Loans Back!

Study Math and Save the World

Study Math and Save the World

Well, maybe not the whole world. But math experts and researchers are finding ways to use math and science to predict and prevent many types of cancer. Like the one that Angelina Jolie found out about and dealt with a couple of years ago. She heard about some research that had identified and isolate […]

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A dream is a dream until YOU make it real!

It's true, every successful person begins their success with just a dream or a vision. What makes your success is your passion to see your dream become a reality and that's why it's so important to find things you are interested in.  Not very many people know what they wan […]

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A dream is a dream until YOU make it real!

Choosing your Career

Choosing your Career

Many high school students focus on finding their dream college or university without really knowing what they’d like to do after post-secondary.  Choosing your career in high school is not only mandatory but also allows you to choose the suitable courses that will lead you to your go […]

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Why study Biological Science

Biological sciences study life and living organisms, their life cycles, evolution, origin, adaptations, distribution, and environment.  As a field of science, biology helps us understand the living world and how humans and many other species function, evolve, and interact. Advances in medi […]

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Why study Biological Science

Tagging A Bluenose Shark

Tagging A Bluenose Shark

The Bluntnose SixgillOur objective was the deep-sea shark, the bluntnose sixgill. This ancient species predates most dinosaurs, and is a dominant predator of the deep sea ecosystem. The lead scientist on the mission, FSU MARINE LAB’S DR. DEAN GRUBBS, has been the first to put a satellite tag o […]

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Uncovering the Mysteries of Space

Have you ever heard of the Rosetta Stone? This was a piece of rock that was found in 1799 in Egypt that was inscribed with a decree from an Egyptian king dating back to 196 BC. It is famous because the script on the stone led to understanding and interpreting ancient hieroglyphs. Those were the squi […]

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Uncovering the Mysteries of Space

Should I Go Into the Arts?

Should I Go Into the Arts?

There has never been more opportunity for a successful career in the Arts than there is today. However, there are a few important points to consider if you truly want a to pursue this type of work.  Market SaturationWith today’s ever increasing market for the arts, specialized school […]

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SpaceX Wants to Get Humans to Mars!

We’re sure you’ve already heard about SpaceX by now. For those who haven’t, SpaceX is an American aerospace company that’s developing advanced spacecraft and rockets for space exploration. NASA is relying on them to send astronauts and cargo into space after retiring its famo […]

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SpaceX Wants to Get Humans to Mars!

Ontario investing in the trades

Ontario investing in the trades

The Ontario government is encouraging more young people to enter the skilled trades after high school with $28 million in funding to help them pay for pre-apprenticeship training. The funding to help address major shortages of workers in Ontario’s skilled trades was announced at the […]

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Computerized cars are on the rise

The bad news is that you may not have your driver’s license yet. The good news is that you may not need one in the future. That’s because driverless cars are almost here. This has been coming for a while. Various technology companies and automakers have been tinkering with aspects of dri […]

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Computerized cars are on the rise

Social Media is Not Only for Socializing

Social Media is Not Only for Socializing

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. are all tools that, if used effectively, can positively impact your career. You’re probably already using these tools, but most people will play with them like toys and fail to realize their potential. The direct connections that can be made in a matter of m […]

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Purdue University -Reaching space...

Professor Collicott will join his experiment on Virgin Galactic suborbital flight Reaching space to become a reality for Purdue aerospace engineer.  WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Purdue University’s Steven Collicott was 8 years old when he saw Neil Armstrong step onto the moon an […]

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Purdue University -Reaching space...

Canadian Space Agency - Transforming the future of space robotics

Canadian Space Agency - Transforming the future of space robotics

Have you looked at the back of your five-dollar bill? It features Canadian space robots Canadarm2 and Dextre! Did you know that Canada sends astronauts to space because of these robots? When Canada designed and built Canadarm more than 40 years ago, we invented space robotics. Si […]

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How to Succeed As a Freelance Writer

It cannot be denied that most successful writers have several things in common: a passion to create, an inquisitive mind, and an instinctive talent in wordplay. Given that writing is often something done out of passion, many people think that pursuing a college degree is pointless. However, having a […]

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How to Succeed As a Freelance Writer

STEM Careers for the Artistically Inclined​

STEM Careers for the Artistically Inclined​

There are many people that think STEM careers are just number-related and science-oriented. While this is true on many levels, there are many STEM careers that are suitable for people who also have an artistic desire. For example, web development. Having a keen eye for GUI (Graphic User Interfa […]

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So Much to Explore in Space!

When we look up into the night sky, especially on a clear night, we can see a vast galaxy above us. It looks like it is endless. Now, thanks to research and space probes like the Hubble telescope, we know that what our eyes can see is just a fraction of what may be out there. Not only is our galaxy […]

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So Much to Explore in Space!

Death of Toughie the Frog

Death of Toughie the Frog

The death of a world-famous tree frog has reignited conversation about reports that species extinction is increasing. Toughie, the world’s last Rabbs’ fringe-limbed tree frog, sent his species into extinction following his recent death at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. The passing of this […]

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Can Technology Read Your Mind

Can technology read your mind? Probably not, although some computer scientists are betting that they can read your brainwaves, and thereby determine what you might be feeling. Researchers at MIT are developing a new technique which measures the signals that a body emits and reports back on our heart […]

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Can Technology Read Your Mind

Mars: The Final Frontier

Mars: The Final Frontier

How would you like to live and work on Mars? If Tesla owner Elon Musk has his way that idea will move from science fiction into reality, and faster than you think. His newly minted mission craft, entitled Heart of Gold, is scheduled to blast off from Florida in late 2024, and could land on Mars in 2 […]

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Forest and Conservation as a Career? The world will love you :) )

Embracing a Career in Forest and Conservation: In the age of environmental challenges, the dedication of forest and conservation workers shines like a beacon. These individuals are the unsung heroes of our planet, toiling relentlessly to safeguard our forests, wildlife, and ecosystems. In this […]

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Forest and Conservation as a Career?  The world will love you :)  )

Think before you speak. Read before you think.

- Fran Lebowitz