Careers in SPACE

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By PathwaysToJobs

Aerospace Engineer:

Design and develop aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles.

High school courses: Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer Science.



Study the properties and behavior of celestial bodies and the universe.

High school courses: Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Chemistry.



Research and analyze celestial objects and phenomena.

High school courses: Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Computer Science.


Mission Specialist:

Plan and conduct missions in space exploration.

High school courses: Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Robotics.


Spacecraft Systems Engineer:

Design and oversee spacecraft systems and components.

High school courses: Physics, Mathematics, Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science.


Flight Controller:

Monitor and control spacecraft operations.

High school courses: Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Communication.


Space Policy Analyst:

Analyze and develop policies related to space exploration and utilization.

High school courses: Political Science, Public Policy, International Relations, Science.


Space Science Educator:

Teach and communicate space science concepts.

High school courses: Education, Communication, Science.


Space Entrepreneur:

Start and manage businesses related to space exploration.

High school courses: Business, Finance, Management.