- Fleming College- Haliburton Campus

- Fleming College- Haliburton Campus

-  Fleming College- Haliburton Campus

School Overview

Designed to deliver exceptional arts programming while showcasing innovative, green architecture and construction, the campus is home to the renowned Haliburton School of Art + Design, a leader in providing unique arts programming in Canada. We offer the Visual and Creative Arts diploma, full-time or part-time, ten intensive art certificates and over 350 art courses in our summer program.

Part of the Fleming College vision is to provide community access to higher education. The Haliburton campus serves the local community through Continuing Education, Academic Upgrading and Employment Ontario.

Contact Information

P.O. Box 839
297 College Dr.
Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0
Phone: (705) 457-1680
Email: askus@hsad.ca

Potential Careers

Fine Artist (painter, Scu...

Potential Scholarships

- Dcci Scholarship For Ca...
- Haywood | Hunt & Associ...
- Canadian Albert Associa...
- Lupus Canada Scholarshi...