While many students dream of obtaining a college degree, other responsibilities in life sometimes become bigger priorities. This is especially true for single parents who must juggle family and work. Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund (ASPSF) is unique to Arkansas. We help make a positive difference in the lives of low-income, single-parent families. Research tells us that well over half of low-income families in Arkansas are led by single parents. Your own educational level has a huge impact on your children. Kids who live in low-income, single parent families, are much more likely than their other classmates to have trouble in school and eventually drop out of high school. This impact has grown worse over the past four decades. This affects the entire community. Not just that one family. But, when you make enough money to support your family and when you are able to give them greater opportunities, you help to mold your child’s future success – so that one day they will also be able to take care of themselves and their family. Your own education is one of the best ways to make that happen.
Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund
614 E. Emma Ave.
Suite 119
Springdale, AR 72764