Utah College of Dental Hygiene

Utah College of Dental Hygiene

Utah College of Dental Hygiene

School Overview

UCDH is a private, small single discipline (dental hygiene) training institution. UCDH only offers a Bachelor Degree in Dental Hygiene (BSDH) for those who graduate. One of the goals of UCDH is to graduate more dental hygienists that possess a bachelor’s degree and that can after practicing as a licensed dental hygienist for the required amount of time seek opportunities to teach at institutions that also offer bachelor’s degrees in dental hygiene.

If there is any possibility that your educational goals may change in the future or if you know that you want to continue your education after graduating from UCDH please be advised of the following:

Currently your credits awarded at UCDH may not transfer to other institutions of higher learning including those that are Regionally Accredited, Nationally Accredited, or recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). If you want to continue with graduate or post-graduate schooling (earning a Master’s or Doctoral Degree) please be aware that UCDH credits may not transfer as UCDH is not a large Regionally Accredited College and it is not currently recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

Contact Information

1176 South 1480 West
Orem, UT 84058
Phone: 801-426-8234

Potential Careers

Dental Hygienist

Potential Scholarships

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